Vue.js vs React

June 25, 2021


Vue.js and React have been two of the most popular JavaScript frameworks in recent years. Both of them provide developers with the ability to create rich and complex user interfaces. While they have many similarities, they also have significant differences that can impact your choice of which one to use for your next development project.

In this post, we will compare Vue.js and React in terms of their performance, ease of use, popularity, and other factors to help you make an informed decision.


When it comes to performance, Vue.js and React are very close to each other. Both frameworks offer fast and efficient rendering of UI components, resulting in quick response times for users.

Several benchmarks have been conducted to compare Vue.js and React in terms of performance. For example, in a test conducted by Tomasz Świstak, Vue.js was faster than React in rendering a large number of components. On the other hand, in a test conducted by Andrei Kashcha, React was faster than Vue.js in updating a large number of components.

Overall, when it comes to performance, both Vue.js and React are excellent choices.

Ease of Use

Vue.js is known for being easier to learn and use compared to React. Vue.js has a simple and readable syntax that makes it easy to write and understand. Its template-based syntax is similar to HTML, making it familiar to web developers.

React, on the other hand, has a steeper learning curve compared to Vue.js. It uses a JSX syntax that can be confusing for beginners. But once you get used to it, you can take full advantage of React's powerful features.

Overall, Vue.js can be quicker to learn and utilize for smaller projects, but React has a more advanced set of features which can benefit large-scale projects.


Both Vue.js and React have large and active communities, and both are widely used in the development community.

React was released in 2013 by Facebook and has seen rapid growth in popularity in recent years. According to the State of JS survey, React is the most popular front-end library, with more than 90% of respondents saying they have used it or would like to use it.

Vue.js, on the other hand, is a relatively new framework but has been growing rapidly in popularity. The State of JS survey shows that Vue.js is the second most popular front-end library, with more than 65% of respondents saying they have used it or would like to use it.

While React has been around for longer and has a larger user base, both frameworks are popular choices for web development.

Community and Support

Both Vue.js and React have strong communities providing excellent support and resources for developers.

The Vue.js community is actively engaged and provides thorough documentation, helpful forums, and plenty of tutorials and plugins to assist in the development process.

The React community is also very active and provides many resources, including an extensive documentation library, the Reactiflux chat channels, Stack Overflow, and many other forums and communities.

Overall, both communities are committed to providing excellent support and resources to aid in the development process.


Vue.js and React are both excellent choices for developing web applications. They both offer high performance, ease of use, and strong community support. Ultimately, the deciding factor for which framework to use will depend on your specific requirements and preferences.

If you are looking for a simpler framework with a gentle learning curve for smaller projects, Vue.js may be the way to go. But if you need more advanced features and scalability for larger-scale projects, React should be your go-to framework.

Whatever choice you make, both Vue.js and React are top choices for web development.


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